How to Migrate Your Dogamí NFTs from Tezos to Polygon

4 min readNov 15, 2023


This short tutorial will show you how to migrate your Dogamí Tezos NFT to Polygon enabling you to benefit from the entire EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) ecosystem and list it on Polygon-comaptible marketplaces (OpenSea, Blur, and Magic Eden amongst others).

You can migrate directly on the DOGAMÍ website!

⚠️ IMPORTANT — During migration, your Dogamí NFTs will not be available in the DOGAMÍ Academy game.️️ ️️️️️

️ NFT migrations from Tezos to Polygon are irreversible and can take up to 24 hours. Once you have a Polygon Dogamí NFT you can’t migrate back to Tezos.

ℹ️ If you have an unopened Dogamí NFT Tezos box, you must migrate to Polygon to be able to reveal it.

STEP 1: Log in to the DOGAMÍ website
From the website, click “Log In”. Enter either your old gaming account email address to receive a magic link in your email inbox to connect or use the Google/Apple option to connect.

Either of these options will enable a “Passwordless” login to the website. ✨

From the marketplace, login using 1 of two options

STEP 2: Associate a Polyon Wallet
Upon connection, you will be prompted to associate a Polygon wallet.

If you don’t have a Polygon compatible wallet, download MetaMask and then use the first part of this tutorial to add the Polygon Network to Metamask.

ℹ️ During the association:

  • If you are using the MetaMask extension: click on Browser wallet and choose MetaMask
  • If you are using the MetaMask mobile connection: click on MetaMask and follow the instruction on your mobile application.

You will be asked to select and sign a transaction to connect your wallet. Once you’re done, you will see a “continue” button.

Associating a Polygon wallet

You can manage your wallets by clicking “menu” in the top right-hand corner and going to the settings option. Here you can see and manage your and Polygon and Tezos wallet connections.

Wallets that are associated with your accounts will be visible and connected here.

STEP 3: Select NFTs to Migrate
Now go to the “My Collection” tab from the menu. If your Tezos wallet is already connected you will see your NFTs here. Select the NFTs (boxes, Dogamí NFTs) you want to migrate and click continue.

Select the Tezos NFTs to migrate

Click “approve” and a window will appear asking you to select your Beacon Tezos wallet to confirm the transaction. Ensure you have enough XTZ for fees.

Review, confirm and sign the Tezos transaction.

STEP 4: Confirm the Migration
Now we’ll, migrate our Tezos NFT to Polygon. Click “connect wallet” from the migration screen. Select the right option (remember to select “Browser wallet” if you’re using a browser wallet plugin and just MetaMask if you’re on mobile).

After you’ve signed the transaction, you should see your Polygon wallet address in the Destination window.

Connect your Polygon compatible wallet

Next, click continue and you will be prompted to confirm the migration.

Your NFTs will not be visible in DOGAMÍ Academy for up to 24 hours but you still can see it with the status PENDING to inform you that your NFT migration is in progress.

Once your NFTs have been migrated, you’ll be able to use them in the DOGAMÍ Academy game.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out the team on Discord.








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